
Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health and Building Resilience

Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health and Building Resilience

As we have shared several times, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This year’s theme as outlined by Mental Health America is “where to start” and it has three action points: learn, act, advocate. We shared more about the "learn" action last week. This week, we want to expand on the "act" section. MHA expands on this single word directive...[ read more ]

7 Ways You Can Reduce Anxiety at Home

reduce anxiety

Living with anxiety can be significantly challenging. Anxiety creates physical and mental reactions that can range from irritating to downright debilitating. Luckily there, are many ways that you can reduce anxiety at home. Some of these you can do in other places as well (when standing in lines or at your workplace, for example.) While anxiety disorders may require, and...[ read more ]

Why the Most Important Part of Caring For Your Aging Parents Is Your Self-Care

It may be a cliché. But it’s a very, very accurate cliché: One day, the child becomes the parent. That’s when all the rules get flipped. Your parents lost sleep caring for you. They spend inordinate amounts of money. If needed, they re-arranged their lives over and over. Now, the tables have turned and you suddenly have to learn about...[ read more ]

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