
Family Support and Its Impact on LGBTQ+ Mental Health

mental health pride month

In recognition of Pride Month, we recently shared some key statistics and research from Mental Heath America about depression in the LGBTQ+ community. One of the things the article discusses is the impact of family support on mental health. Today, we wanted to share more about that as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, the information here is...[ read more ]

Guess Less to Connect More by Associate Therapist Jordana del Feld

“What does it mean” is a question we love to torture ourselves with, especially in intimate relationships.

This post was written by associate therapist Jordana del Feld. In this post, therapist Jordana del Feld discusses the harmful effects of overanalyzing and guessing in intimate relationships, which often lead to anxiety. She emphasizes the importance of pausing, recognizing unknown territory, and refraining from making assumptions. Jordana encourages healthy communication with the other person involved to gain clarity and...[ read more ]

Codependency in Multiple-Partner Relationships

Codependency in Multiple-Partner Relationships

Often when we think about codependency, we think about a very traditional two-person monogamous relationship. However, codependency can show up in all different types of relationships. People in open marriages, polyamorous relationships, throuples and other "non-traditional" relationships can and do deal with codependency. It just may look a little bit different than typically described. Understanding Codependency Codependency refers to an...[ read more ]

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