
Guess Less to Connect More by Associate Therapist Jordana del Feld

“What does it mean” is a question we love to torture ourselves with, especially in intimate relationships.

This post was written by associate therapist Jordana del Feld. In this post, therapist Jordana del Feld discusses the harmful effects of overanalyzing and guessing in intimate relationships, which often lead to anxiety. She emphasizes the importance of pausing, recognizing unknown territory, and refraining from making assumptions. Jordana encourages healthy communication with the other person involved to gain clarity and...[ read more ]

Paralyzed by Perfect? Practice Peace with Your Inner Perfectionist by Jordana del Feld

Paralyzed by Perfect? Practice Peace with Your Inner Perfectionist by Jordana del Feld

This post was written by associate therapist Jordana del Feld. In this piece she explores how perfectionism can hinder creativity and enjoyment in various aspects of life and offers techniques to reconnect with the joy of creation by embracing imperfection and focusing on the process rather than the outcome. There’s nothing like the thrill of doing something so well that you...[ read more ]

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