
Conversations with Clinicians: Interview with Associate Therapist Caroline Lee

Welcome back to Conversations with Clinicians where we interview one of our associate therapists. We like to give you this opportunity to learn more about the way that they work. Moreover, they give us some great tips and resources that we hope you’ll find helpful. Today, meet Caroline Lee. She is a California-based associate therapist providing Telehealth therapy. What is...[ read more ]

Grief: A Template (part 1)

Grief: early 13c., “hardship, suffering, pain, bodily affliction,” from Old French grief “wrong, grievance, injustice, misfortune, calamity” (13c.), from grever “afflict, burden, oppress,” from Latin gravare “make heavy; cause grief,” from gravis “weighty” (from PIE root *gwere- (1) “heavy”). Meaning “mental pain, sorrow” is from c. 1300. In 1969 Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross challenged the silencing stigma of talking about death...[ read more ]

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