
Project Semicolon: An In-Depth Look at Its Origins, Growth, and Mission

suicide prevention

Project Semicolon was founded in 2013 by Amy Bleuel, a passionate advocate who sought to honor the memory of her father, who had died by suicide. Bleuel herself had experienced a lifetime of challenges, including abuse, rape, and her own struggles with mental illness and suicidal thoughts. These experiences fueled her desire to create a movement that would offer hope...[ read more ]

Family Support and Its Impact on LGBTQ+ Mental Health

mental health pride month

In recognition of Pride Month, we recently shared some key statistics and research from Mental Heath America about depression in the LGBTQ+ community. One of the things the article discusses is the impact of family support on mental health. Today, we wanted to share more about that as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, the information here is...[ read more ]

Understanding Depression in the LGBTQ+ Community: Key Insights and Statistics

Pride Month Mental Health

This infographic and images come from Mental Health America, which they provided to the public for Pride Month. Depression is a pervasive and serious mental health issue that affects individuals across all demographics, but it has a particularly profound impact on the LGBTQ+ community. Understanding the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals is crucial for providing effective support and therapy....[ read more ]

Summer Sadness: Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder

Summer Sadness: Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do you find yourself going through seasonal depression during the summer months? While not nearly as common as winter depression, seasonal summer depression is a very real thing. It's called Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you experience symptoms of depression each summer that ease up by fall, then you could be affected. Therapy as well as various forms of self-care...[ read more ]

Recent Bipolar Disorder Studies and Research

Recent Bipolar Disorder Studies and Research

There's always new information coming out about mental health. In this article, we'll go over a little bit of the history of bipolar disorder. Then we'll look at some of the most recent study findings about the condition. You can learn more about bipolar depression here. Are you seeking therapy for bipolar disorder? Learn more here about how therapy helps...[ read more ]

Understanding Bipolar Depression: 35 Books, Movies, and Podcasts

Understanding Bipolar Depression: Symptoms, Types, and Resources

Bipolar depression is one aspect of one type of mood disorder on the depression spectrum. There are also subtypes of bipolar disorder that include bipolar depression as a symptom. Let's go over the basics of what it is but also dig deeper into some things that you might want to know about living with bipolar depression. Scroll down for a...[ read more ]

What Is The Depression Spectrum?

What Is The Depression Spectrum?

There are different types of depression. Major depression is what you might typically think of as depression. You might also think of bipolar depression. The depression spectrum is the sort of continuum of different conditions with symptoms related to these conditions. Alternatively, we may call these mood disorders. Of course, we don't love the word "disorder" since it inherently compares...[ read more ]

9 Common Causes of Spring Depression

9 Common Causes of Spring Depression

Many people associate winter with depression. If you've heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder, you've probably associated it with winter, for example. Some people experience Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, which occurs during the summer months. Less common, but still an issue for some people, is spring depression. This is recurring depression that people experience during the springtime months. If you have...[ read more ]

Grief: A Template (part 1)

Grief: early 13c., “hardship, suffering, pain, bodily affliction,” from Old French grief “wrong, grievance, injustice, misfortune, calamity” (13c.), from grever “afflict, burden, oppress,” from Latin gravare “make heavy; cause grief,” from gravis “weighty” (from PIE root *gwere- (1) “heavy”). Meaning “mental pain, sorrow” is from c. 1300. In 1969 Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross challenged the silencing stigma of talking about death...[ read more ]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Feeling the doom and gloom of the winter months approaching? Seasonal Affective Disorder is a re-occuring depressive disorder that affects on average about 1% to 2% of the general population, particularly women and young people, during certain months of the year. A milder form of SAD may affect as many as 10 to 20 percent of people. Some people are...[ read more ]

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