10 Signs That Therapy Might Be Right For You Right Now

10 Signs That Therapy Might Be Right For You Right Now

We recently shared a video over on TikTok with 10 signs that therapy might be right for you right now. Therapy offers different benefits at different life stages and transitions. It can be right for you for many different reasons. But we wanted to discuss some common reasons people seek out therapy that you may or may not already be aware of.

10 Signs That Therapy Might Be Right For You

Does Anyone NEED Therapy?

Before we begin, notice that we did not title this post “10 Signs That You Might Need Therapy.” That’s because the idea of “need” is a tricky one. Legitimate arguments could be made in many different directions including:

  • All people need therapy at some time or another.
  • Some people need therapy sometimes.
  • Nobody (or few people) really “needs” therapy in a life-or-death sense of the term.

This all depends on how you interpret the word “need” as well as what you view as the purpose of therapy. So we aren’t going to argue if you need therapy or not. What we believe is that therapy can be a great benefit for many different people for many different reasons at many different stages of life. And there are certain indications that you can particularly benefit from it during stressful times as well as during times of opportunity for growth. So, we’re here to highlight just ten of the many, many reasons that therapy might be right for you right now.

10 Signs That Therapy Might Be Right For You Right Now

10 Signs That Therapy Might Be Right For You Right Now

Look for signs that you might need some support in your life. This could be because you’re dealing with a really stressful experience – such as job loss or grief after losing a loved one or going through relationship problems. It could also be because you’re going through a time when you want to seek more personal growth. In other words, things are “fine” but you want them to be great. With that in mind, here are ten signs that therapy might be right for you right now.

1. You want to learn more resources and skills for coping.

This might be due to any number of reasons. For example:

  • You’re going through a stressful situation and don’t feel that you have the skills to cope alone.
  • The coping mechanisms that have worked for you in the past are no longer satisfying you.
  • You’re in an interpersonal relationship and need help alone or together to figure out new resources.
  • Everything is “okay” but you want growth or change and would like help to find new resources for that.

We all have to cope with many different things each day. Sometimes we know exactly how to do that in a satisfying way. Sometimes we’re at a total loss. Often we get by but could use more support. Therapy can help.

2. You’ve been feeling a strain in your relationships.

Relationships, even the best of them, are hard. This is definitely true in regards to romantic/sexual relationships. However, you might notice strain in your relationships with your parents, children, extended families, blended family, friendships and even work relationships. You might want therapy right now as an individual to assist you in processing your side of that dynamic. Alternatively or additionally, you might want couples or family therapy to address issues of communication together.

feeling alone

3. You notice you’ve been isolating myself more.

There’s nothing wrong with taking time to yourself. Many Highly Sensitive People and introverts especially need a lot of time to recharge. But isolating yourself is a bit different. If you’re not spending time with the people that you care about and you’re not quite sure why, then therapy could help you figure out what’s going on. If you do know why but aren’t sure what to do about it, therapy can help you figure out the next step. Of course, isolation can also be a symptom of a mental health challenge such as depression or anxiety, so therapy can also assist in understanding and addressing something like that.

4. You’re experiencing a big transition in your life.

Transitions can be frightening or exhilarating or both or somewhere in between. Sometimes you have transitions that you wish you didn’t have – a relationship ending, a loved one dying. Sometimes you have transitions that you’re thrilled about – a new job, a new baby. Oftentimes, the same thing can feel both positive and negative in your life. Or you might not even know how you’re feeling because all you know is that change is happening. During all of these different types of transitions, therapy can help to support you.

5. You really want to talk to someone else about what you’re feeling.

Maybe you don’t feel like you have anyone to talk to. Perhaps you don’t feel like anyone understands you. Or maybe you just want a fresh unbiased ear to share with. Therapists are there to listen to you as you sort out your thoughts and feelings.


6. You want to thrive, not just survive.

Once our basic needs are met, we are surviving. And we’re lucky for that. Survival is a privilege. But that doesn’t mean we want to stop there. Many people are doing fine but want to truly thrive. If you want to have more happiness, joy, authenticity, find a better relationship or job or home, whatever it is that you want that’s “more” or “bigger” or “next” for you … it takes steps to figure out how to get there. Those steps might include figuring out what thriving even looks like for you personally. Therapy helps with that as well as with planning how to take the next steps and coping with feelings that arise as you do.

7. Your sleep patterns have changed, for the worse.

Sleep problems are a common symptom of many mental health challenges. They also plague us during times of stress, illness, and burnout. Sleep issues can look very different for each person. Some get insomnia, some get hypersomnia. Many get a combination of both (unable to sleep at all at night because of anxiety then sleeping all day long.) Some people just aren’t getting quality sleep. If you’ve noticed that your sleep has changed, then you might want to explore why. Therapy can help address the underlying issues. Therapy can also hep provide resources and tools for better sleep.

8. You’ve had thoughts about harming yourself.

If you have an active plan to harm yourself, you should consider seeking help immediately. Remember that you can call the 988 suicide prevention hotline988 Mental Health Crisis Line: What You Need to Know or 911 at any time of day or night.

That said, some people have passing thoughts about self harm or about what it would be like to die. They don’t plan to do anything in that direction. If you don’t feel like you’re in immediate risk of self-harm but do have these thoughts then therapy might help you figure out what’s going on. Therapy can assist you in making a safety plan, better understanding the thoughts, and working towards a life where those thoughts lessen or go away entirely.


9. You want to try a new approach to addressing your challenges.

We all have challenges in life. We find different ways of dealing with them over time. Sometimes, those ways just don’t work as well as they used to. Or they never worked in a way that truly satisfied us. Whatever your challenges might be, sometimes it just helps to start addressing them in a totally new way. Therapy can provide new tools and resources for doing so.

10. You finally feel ready to try therapy.

Many people think about going to therapy but haven’t felt “ready.” Some of us have gone to therapy, finished for the time being, but wonder if we are ready to go back now. Or to try a new kind of therapy. If you feel like, “hey, I might be ready for some therapy” then chances are that this is a very good sign that indeed you’re ready for it.


These are just some of the reasons you may want to reach out to us to get matched with one of our Associate therapists! We’re here to support you. Contact us for a consultation today. Or find a therapist in our therapist directory.

Have some questions first? You can always reach out here.